Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain Not Ashamed of Cheating on First Wife

John McCain, whose life resembles mine in so many ways, started sleeping with his current wife, Cindy, before he got divorced from his first wife, Carol. If you ask me, this is just another reason he's qualified to lead us into the 21st Century.

See, what makes John McCain a great leader is that he's not ashamed of cheating on his wife. Great leaders like George W. Bush are never ashamed of what they do. Is George W. Bush ashamed of invading Iraq? No! Should he be? No! Why? Because he's a leader and leaders lead. Liberals, on the other hand, are always apologizing for everything. Like Jimmy Carter in his "malaise" speech.

If you ask me, there's no way that Nancy Pelosi's husband hasn't cheated on her. And -- because he's such a liberal he probably apologized for it! Wimp!

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