Monday, August 11, 2008

MCain Cheated on Wife Back When It Was Okay to Cheat On Your Wife

John McCain, whose life resembles mine in so many ways, started sleeping with his current wife, Cindy, before he got divorced from his first wife, Carol.

What makes this different from John Edwards cheating on his wife is that when John McCain did it, everyone was cheating on their spouse. In fact, back in the swinging 70s people who remained faithful were mocked and made to feel stupid by the counterculture. The counterculture ran the country back then and forced everyone to cheat on their spouses. Everybody knows that.

Even American heros like John McCain was forced to cheat. Then Ronald Reagan, thank God, was elected, the counterculture ran for cover and all the cheating stopped -- among Republicans at any rate. Democrats continue to cheat. That's below of their low moral character.

That's why Edwards must be pilloried now. And if you can't understand that, you're a liberal.

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