Thursday, August 14, 2008

McCain Forgiven By Media for Cheating on Wife

John McCain started sleeping with his current wife, Cindy, before he got divorced from his first wife, Carol. Liberals ask" "Why, unlike John Edwards, has he has not been raked over the coals by the media?"

When John McCain was cheating on his wife, he was a war hero. War heros can pretty much have sex with anyone they want to, pretty much whenever they want to. Women have been having sex with war heros since just about the beginning of time. They see it as their patriotic duty.

Is John Edwards a war hero? No -- and that's why it's wrong when he does it, but right when John McCain does it. John McCain probably had women throwing themselves at him when he got back his years at the "Hanoi Hilton." He probably turned 99% of them down even though he was perfectly within his rights to have sex with all of them.

Even though I'm not a war hero, I've done some things I'm quite proud of -- like supporting John McCain. That entitles me to sex with women other than my wife. Obama supporters, because they support Obama, don't have that kind of flexibility.

That's what they get for being liberals!

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