Saturday, July 5, 2008

McCain's Poor Judgment?

Back in the 80s, John McCain was rebuked by the Senate Ethics Committee for exercising "poor judgment" when he stuck up for corrupt banker Charles Keating with federal regulators who were trying to seize his bankrupt bank. Amazingly, like John McCain, I, too, have exercised poor judgement!

In high school there was this slutty girl who was sleeping with all the guys on the basketball team. Turned out she had the clap, and so all of us got it, too. I didn't fly around in her private jet like John McCain flew around in Charles Keating's jet. But I did ride around with her in her convertible. That looked improper to some people, especially when I mooned them at stoplights.

I should have known that my getting involved with her would have the appearance of wrongdoing. And although I didn't do anything wrong, it had the appearance of wrongness and that was wrong. Remarkably, that's pretty much what John McCain said when the Ethics Committee asked him about taking money from Keating and flying around in his jet!

Just another coincidence? I hardly think so!

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