Sunday, July 6, 2008

MCain Takes Money from Developer?

Like John McCain, I have accepted money from people who wanted me to do something for them. And like John McCain, I got people the things they wanted in exchange for the money. Some people think this is scandalous and wrong. McCain and me call it progress. It's what every good American wants. And McCain and me are both good Americans. Although he is a better American than me because he was shot down and tortured in Vietnam. Still, I try to be a good American and that's what counts!

Back in 2003, John McCain secured millions in federal funds for a land acquisition program that provided a windfall for an Arizona developer, SunCor Development whose executives donated $224,000 to John McCain since 1998, including $104,100 for his current presidential run.

What I did was amazingly similar. My sisters-in-law gave me money to buy a birthday present for my wife, some really nice earrings. I found a jewelry store online and bought the earrings for half the price that my sisters-in-laws said it would cost at the local jewelry store. I kept the rest of the money, figuring I'd spend it on birthday presents for my sisters-in-law. And, keeeping my word to myself, I did.

Now I know that's not exactly what John McCain did, but if you ask me, it's in the same ballpark. The main point is there's no scandal in what John McCain did or what I did. Unless you're a liberal and think there's something wrong in using the money people give you so progress can be made.

Which would be an absurd liberal thing to say, of course!

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