Tuesday, July 8, 2008

McCain's Father & Grandfather Both Admirals?

John McCain's father and grandfather were both Admirals in the US Navy. Amazingly enough, both my grandfather and father owned Admiral refrigerators.

Some people might say that doesn't make me similar to John McCain. Well, all I know is that those refrigerators did their jobs and did them heroically without complaint, just like John McCain's grandfather and father did.

If you can't see the similarity between my life and John McCain's regarding this, then you're probably a liberal!


Cup said...

I salute your Admiral refrigerators. We had Maytags. Does that mean my parents were Socialists?

Moderator said...

I at first didn't see the similarity, but then you called me a liberal.

That straightened me out but good.


Paul M. Sark said...

Sorry to say, yes, Beth, you are a Communist. Those Maytag people force everyone to use the "Maytag repairman" and -- if you haven't noticed, he's wearing a variation on a Communist uniform.

I hope you've switched to something else since your youth!

Paul M. Sark said...

Yes, Grant, it really says it all when you say liberal, doesn't it?